Monday, 27 June 2016

Gold Book

Congratulations Jacob and Layla

I have been very impressed with Jacob's attitude to learning recently. He has become so much more motivated and excited about our 'Rainbow Challenges' Keep it up Jacob, you're just like Parker Perseverance.

Layla consistently displays her co-operative qualities. She will go out of her way to help others in the room. She is an asset to the class.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Potato harvest

Today we harvested the potatoes we planted a few months ago. It's was really exciting to see how they've grown and look forward to eating them tomorrow.

Look at our crop. How many can you see? Can you find the biggest and smallest potato?

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


We have been very patient over these few months as we've observed the tadpoles. Finally, we have some froglets. It's exciting to see how they've changed. As soon as they are a little stronger, Mrs Horn will take them back to her pond.

Can you spot them?

Monday, 20 June 2016

Gold Book

Congratulations Jacob and Lexie

Jacob has been showing how co-operative he is when he played a game with his friends outside. He made sure everyone had a turn. What a good friend you are too! Well done, Jacob.

Lexie has been displaying her perseverance qualities at home. Using the skills she learns in school, she was able to read the books on her bookshelf. I know Mum is very proud and so are we Lexie, super star learner.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Fun in FS2

Some photos from this week.

Learning about the days of the week. Can you remember our special song?

Finding missing numbers.

Spelling words on Mrs Warner's computer to play the game on Phonics Play.

Mixing up the numbers for a friend to put back in order.

Writing about Rapunzel. "The tower is high, Rapunzel's hair is long. The prince cut down the hair. The prince got injured. Mother Gothel tried to kill the prince."

Playing 4 in a row game with a friend.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Gold Book

Congratulations Madisyn and Ella Rose

Madisyn showed cooperation this week when we made up games as part of our Healthy Schools Week. She was a great sportsperson.

Ella Rose was very reflective when we talked about making healthier food choices. She was able to suggest how Mrs Warner could improve her own packed lunch with more fruit and less cereal bars.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Healthy Me

We're having a really great week. Today we joined in with Mr Kendrick's Fitness Class.
Here are some photos of the very fit FS2 class.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Start of Healthy School Week

We spent the morning being healthy, active learners.

Scooter race

How far can you jump?

Which number did you land on?

Throwing bean bags into a number target.

Time for some time out of the bright sun.

Healthy drinks and fruit snack.

Don't forget you can come to school at 8.20 to complete the mile around the field.

Gold Book

Congratulations Alfie and Stanley

Alfie has demonstrated his co-operative skills and shown what a kind and caring friend he is. He is a pleasure to have in class.

Stanley has shown how resourceful he is. He wanted to create a piece of art and gathered everything he needed and set about his activity. Excellent independence skills too.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Caterpillar update - Saturday 4th June

It seems they are not ready for the next stage but want to carry on eating 🐛

Friday, 3 June 2016

Caterpillar update - Friday 3rd June

Two more caterpillars are making their way to the top. 🐛

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Caterpillar update - Thursday 2nd June

Two caterpillars are resting at the top, I wonder if they are getting ready for the next stage. 🐛

Wednesday, 1 June 2016