Wednesday 6 January 2016

Big Talk and our 4 new friends

This week we have spoken about our 4 new friends; Ria, Rashan, Parker and Cara. They all have different characteristics that we are hoping to develop to become ever better learners.

Ria is reflective. She thinks about her learning and is proud of her successes, she also thinks about how she might change the way she does things for better results.

Rashan is resourceful. He thinks carefully about how he can use things or do things differently.

Parker is perseverant. He never gives up even when things get tough.

Cara is co-operative. She helps out when she can, she shares and works as a team member.

This is our new display.

Big Talk homework is to see if you can find examples of the characteristics in the illustration below.

credit - Mrs Ingrid
I look forward to hearing what you notice in the illustration.

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